Peter C. Stitt

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A Short, Long Overdue Update

I knew I had been lacking in keeping up with the blog, but when I logged on to work on this entry it blew my mind how long it had been. I apologize to anyone who pays attention, but I’m pretty sure most people barely noticed the absence. A good deal has happened since the last update, so I’ll try to keep it brief, relevant, and on point. I will also try, in the next few weeks, to post something that is a little topical and not so much of an update on ME.

The biggest update, as some already know, is that Cristy and I got married on the first of September. I couldn’t be happier, and am the luckiest human to be able to have her in my life. The Love we share is beyond description and keeps both of us going. I have to admit, though, that anyone who might be considering a small wedding in their future (we had 14 people, including Us) needs to know that it is just as time consuming as a large one. We were both amazed how it wiped us out and took up our time, however, again, it was SO worth it.

Although busy with the wedding, I was still able to be fairly productive with work. For the second time, I had a piece selected to be part of Slow Exposures, a photography festival that focuses on the rural southern United States. This year’s installment was juried by Alyssa Coppelman and Gordon Stettinius, and was yet another beautiful collection of current photography being produced in and about the southern states. If you haven’t heard about the festival, it is worth checking out. It is held annually in Pike County, Georgia, and is centered around the town of Zebulon. Unbeknownst to some of those in attendance, it has garnered a good reputation over it’s 15 years, and is well known beyond the confines of not only the South, but the United States as well.

Along with Slow Exposures, I’ve sent pieces to Budapest, Texas, and Athens, Greece, over the past four months and have been trying to edit work down, while also trying to find direction with new work. The mental struggles of being an artist continue, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I have to remind myself of that sometimes, as I’m sure I mention regularly in these posts.

There is more work to come, and definitely more work to do. I will be sure to post more often, and hope to again within the next week or so.